Each year thousands of designers, builders, architects, tradesmen, vendors and media flock to attend Design & Construction Week. This years show was in Las Vegas, NV. I attend KBIS/IBS each year to stay current with new products, see the latest innovation in appliances and technology, connect with colleagues and industry leaders, and participate in

workshops, presentations and panel discussions.
This year I was honored to be asked to participate in a panel on the NeXT Stage to talk about Wellness (the full discussion is available to watch here). This topic is THE hottest trend. Everywhere I went at the show there was talk about wellness and design, making homes safer, more accessible, comfortable, and connected. The topic of “wellness” had quite a buzz throughout the various suppliers and partners in the home building/renovation industry, from bathroom products to kitchen appliances.
What does the term “wellness” mean? For myself and my clients wellness can mean a variety of things that include functionality, safety, accessibility and/or technology. To begin the conversation I talk to my clients about how the space works for them in the current state. Do we need to look at changing the layout, moving mechanical systems, adding storage, extending work surfaces, better lighting, changing transitions between rooms… the list goes on.

How a space works for you (the end user) is really a personal thing. Small adjustments can improve daily living. For example; if your home has a small entry with minimal storage and no place to set your keys, wallet or purse then each time you go to leave you may have to spend 2-5-10 minutes looking for your personal items because there is no specific place where to hang your keys. You begin your day frustrated. Now, this is not always the situation but you can see my point.
I truly believe that an organized space, one where you can have a place for everyday items, promotes a more relaxed, efficient and functional home and lifestyle that can improve your quality of life vs adding yet another task or burden to your already busy day. My favorite supplier for organizational items is Richelieu! They provide some of the greatest interior cabinet fittings that are sure to improve your everyday efficiency!
Next to organization two key factors in wellness are air quality and lighting. Both of these elements play a significant role on how you feel in a space. As people spend up to 95% of their day indoors you can understand the value and effects air quality and lighting may have on your wellbeing. Air quality is likely something you rarely think about unless there is a funky odor or unpleasant smell floating around. As homes are built with greater insulation, tighter seals, better windows, fresh air is unlikely to sneak into the home. Companies like DELOS offer a simple solution for both new construction and renovations to filter the air in your home. (more on air quality in future posts)

The world of lighting is advancing faster than most can keep up! LED lighting has been a ground breaking innovation. Although, when LED lighting first hit the market it was not appealing with harsh blueish colour temperature. That is no longer the case! The advancements in lighting technology has exploded with capabilities in size, customization, colour temperature (or Kelvins), intensity (Lumens) and style. You wouldn’t think that lighting has a lot to do with wellness but the benefits of adequately lit spaces can have incredible impact. The size of the light fixtures keeps getting smaller which in turn offers more options! As you can see, the image to the right, showing small strips and light panels for endless possibilities!
The next profound innovation in lighting is “tunable” lamps. Being able to change the colour temperature of your lamp to suit the time of day or mood your are looking to create in your home (with lighting scenes) has never been easier than with KETRA lighting from Lutron. You can now re-create the circadian rhythm of natural sunlight in your home! With home automation systems from Control4 your home can become a ‘smart home’.
This leads me into the next advancement of home technology: appliances. With many manufacturers integrating smart technology into their appliance you can now look into your refrigerator, while at the grocery store, and see what you need!! Smart appliances that allow you to connect with a simple app to preheat your oven while on your way home or humidity controlled zones that extend the life of your fresh food or keep your wine chilled at the precise temperature! Eating healthier has never been easier!
We even saw lighting being added to grab bars! Euroto is a newer company that has products focusing on wellness including washlet or personal hygiene toilets and grab bars that have lights inside. Again, lighting is showing up in useful products that make daily living just a little bit safer for all ages. A significant trend for bathrooms is level entry showers. This is a focus I have been adding to my bathroom designs for a few years now but can be challenging depending on the structural elements in a home. More products are becoming available to make this easier than ever. Fleurco is a Canadian manufacturer of shower doors, bathtubs, shower pans, and vanities and they have developed an acrylic shower pan that sits flush with the exterior floor. This is a great option when a tile base is not preferred.
Adding a wellness focus to any home improvement project has never been easier with the inclusion of lighting, technology and ingenuity. For more information on how to make these improvements or use some of these great products look for a Certified Living In Place Professional (CLIPP) in your area by going to The Living In Place Institute website and/or look for a NKBA Certified Designer. Including wellness features in your home, i.e. better lighting, level entry showers, smart appliances, etc. will have long term benefits for you and your family from years to come!