CEDIA Expo 2019!
I have just returned from attending the CEDIA (Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association) Expo in Denver, Colorado! WOW! What and amazing, informative and eye opening experience!!
I am so excited to share with you some of the most powerful technological advances in not only the functionality of your home but in improving your health and wellness!
The first booth we stopped at was Delos. Click here to check out their website. I had the luxury of being able to experience their wellness room complete with Zero-gravity chairs, weighted blankets, noise cancelling headphones and purified air. It was truly a re-charging experience, listening to a mindful meditation sequence. Aside from a brief escape from the craziness of the trade show floor what does Delos do?
Delos has air purification systems, water filtration, circadian lighting and other comfort elements that are all integrated with their proprietary DARWIN monitoring system. This system will monitor, calibrate, and respond to the changing environment in your home to provide you and our family with the whole-home wellness. Each of their integrations have been backed by scientific evidence-based research. Their systems can be integrated into existing homes as well as new construction.
Next stop was the Kohler booth. As a designer that commits to attending the Kitchen and Bath Industry show (KBIS) every year, the Kohler booth at CEDIA was

significantly smaller, but much more intimate and connected. It was great to have a one-on-one conversation learning about the advances in a few of their products.
This mirror is one of the greatest additions you can have in your bathroom! The light intensity is adjustable! When you need quality light for shaving or make-up application its there and for those times you need softer, more subtle lighting this is the perfect balance.
LOVE the truly hands-free kitchen faucet. The infrared technology located in the arc of the faucet means no more accidental “turning on” while wiping or cleaning and NO MORE wet sleeves! This faucet is can also connect to Alexa, Google Assistant or Apple Home Kit.
Why would you want your faucet connected? Not only does a connected faucet allow for true hands free, you can also protect your home in the event that a faucet was left running or you need to prepare a 4 oz. bottle in the middle of the night. Yes, you can actually request your faucet to distribute just 4 oz of water!! This all works in the bathroom too!

Anytime I have client that is interested in a body spray system the placement of the sprays is always a challenge to get right for ALL users. If partners are different heights (which is often the case), what works for one person is often awkward for the other. Now, using the Kohler Connects this is no longer a problem! A programmable sequence can be set for each individual user that will activate only the elements that work best for you, including water temperature! With 6 ports, each user can program features to make their experience customized to their water temperature and feature preferences. You can also get the perfect fill for your relaxing soak in the tub! Did I mention the “smart toilet”? Personal hygiene has come a long way with the integration of personal cleansing, heated seats, ambient lighting and even speakers! Toileting has never been more comforting.

If you have ever been rushing around in the morning, applying your make-up or shaving and wish you had time to check the weather, read that email, or catch up on the news this will be a game-changer for you! With a Seura Smart Mirror now you can add all those things to your morning routine! “Mornings will never be the same”! Complete customization with voice activated and touch controls multitasking made easy! They also have a TV option too. Their mirrors are available in a variety of sizes up to 70″ x 94″!
Or maybe you love to spend time in the shower, this TV is fully integrated AND waterproof!

Seura also offers outdoor entertaining solutions with waterproof TV’s. They have a Shade Series, Ultra-Bright and can be outfitted with accessories as required!
Enjoy the game AND the outdoors! Check out their product line here!
Our next stop is probably where I got the most excited! The Lutron booth, it was more like a complete experience! Inside their booth was a mini home, complete with some of the most innovative lighting technology I have personally experienced! It was life altering! And I truly mean this. Let me explain: recent studies show that the average person spends 90% of their day indoors! When you consider the type, source and quality of the lighting we are exposed to for that much of our day it is no small wonder why people suffer from tension, seasonal disorder, and other health and wellness related illnesses. The disruption to our basic need for sunlight and fresh air has become more challenging than ever.
Consider this: what if the lighting in your home could replicate the natural circadian rhythm of the sun? Where the light temperature and intensity follows a natural sequence giving you the boost in the morning that improves focus and productivity and later in the day maximizing coordination, cardiovascular efficiency and preparing your mind and body for optimal rest. This is the power of light and how if effects our health and well-being. The Home Sanctuary experience inside the Lutron booth displayed exactly this natural sequence. From increasing the colour temperature of the lighting in the kitchen (4000K) during the waking hours to give your morning a positive boost to reducing light colour and intensity after dinner to help prepare for a great nights sleep. The technology in their Ketra lamps is revolutionary, stepping up LED lighting to a whole new level! Another spectacular element as part of the Sanctuary experience was the near invisible vanity lighting! Using directional recessed pot lights that reflect the perfect light onto your face while standing in the mirror is brilliant!! Vanity lighting is usually optimal when wall lighting is provided but this offers a new seamless option!
I have come home with a refreshed and enlightened perspective on the importance of technology in our homes. The excitement to share this information with clients, friends, family, followers and colleagues is empowering.